Articles on Loren Cunningham

Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Dan Sneed - Teen Challenge & Foursquare

“Loren believed that the Great Commission — to go to every nation, tribe, community, to every person with the message of Jesus was for every believer, not just a specially-trained clergy class or individuals with special gifting…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Wayne Cordeiro - New Hope Christian College

“One day I asked him: “Loren, you travel a lot to do mission work. Would you suggest I do the same?” He replied: “Wayne, you will never touch a foreign land wherein you won’t return the same.” 40 years later, 160 church plants, and according to United Airlines, 2.3 million miles later, I would readily agree. You were absolutely right…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Melody Green

“A great hero of the faith is with Jesus but his vision for souls lives on. Loren Cunningham meant more to both Keith and me than I can express in words—as a leader and a friend…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Larry B. Jones - Seed Company

“Loren had an enduring passion for the Great Commission. He understood that fulfilling it requires the Bible to be in the language people understand best. That has changed the landscape of the Bible translation cause in the world today…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Rick Warren - Saddleback Church

“Early this morning, another spiritual giant, Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM -Youth With A Mission passed into glory. I'll write later about my dear, compassionate friend, coworker, Great Commission visionary & inspiration to millions…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Pete Greig 24/7 Prayer

“His faithful, humble leadership impacted literally millions of lives, including my own - in more ways than I can possibly say…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Jonathan (Jono) Hall - God TV

“And as I got to meet and then interact with Loren Cunningham through the years I started to understand that the values that were so attractive to me as a youth were embodied in this elder statesmen…”

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Tributes Joel Rogers Tributes Joel Rogers

Tribute - SIL International

“His life and ministry operated around a strong confidence that God’s Spirit was actively engaged in the world. He made it possible for thousands upon thousands of young people to grow in faith and in the sharing of their faith…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute - Jesus Film Project

As I think of my friend Loren there are so many things that come to mind in how his life and ministry has impacted me personally…

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: David Hamilton

As God: Father, Son and Spirit welcome him into their immediate presence, we rejoice for him and we grieve for us. Our founder has graduated…

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute: Lynn Green

Everything about Loren’s life bore witness to his unconditional surrender to the lordship of Jesus. From his earliest days, he had an unwavering commitment to do everything the Holy Spirit called him to do—to spread the good news about Jesus, Saviour of the world, to every person on earth…

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute - Operation Mobilization

“While Loren's reputation as a revered and renowned mission leader preceded him, I was deeply impressed by his unassuming nature, his ability to connect on a personal level…”

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Joel Rogers Joel Rogers

Tribute from Franklin Graham

“We will miss him, but the work is not finished. I pray there will be an army of young people to pick up where he left off. Even in our last visit a few months ago, Loren had his eyes fixed on Jesus…”

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Jeff Rogers Jeff Rogers

Remembering Loren Video

"From 1960 on, Loren Cunningham called youth to travel the world as missionaries, telling everyone everywhere of Jesus…

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