A “Thank You Note” from Loren
Aloha dear friends and family,
I am completely overwhelmed with the love, encouragement, and generous words and gifts on my 85th birthday.
As I have read for hours, your postings, cards, notes, texts, , and emails, beautiful accolades, I have felt unworthy of it all.
The story that comes to mind is of a wife at her husband’s funeral, listening to eulogy after eulogy. She finally whispered to her little boy, “Run up there and look in the casket, Son. See if that’s really your daddy.”
The volunteer staff and families of YWAM Kona gathered around the Plaza of the Nations at the heart of YWAM Kona’s University of the Nations Campus to wish YWAM founder, Loren Cunningham a happy 85th birthday last week on June 30th in a “drive by” party with some social distancing measures in practice… There were also cupcakes!
I am grateful for your love and beautiful messages of affirmation. But I must “duck my head” and let them pass on to Jesus. He is truly worthy of all that is good, loving, fruitful, and a blessing to Christ’s Kingdom on earth. I also want to thank you, my dear YWAM family, around the world in more than 190 nations, serving Jesus with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Please be encouraged in your battles and victories. Claim the “mountains.” like Caleb of old. God has given you visions and dreams to see His will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven.
As the Lord’s and your servant, I bless you all my dear YWAM family, friends, and loved ones,